LG company recently released its curved smart phone named as LG G Flex 2 which made some market now Samsung is working hard to bring new display tech to the market and they have succeeded in doing so. The other company have their curved display smartphones on the market in the form of the LG G Flex 2 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. According to reports are to be believed Samsung is now working on bringing bendable smartphones to gain market.
According to reports Samsung’s bendable smartphones will hit the market next year, that is 2016.
Reportedly, the display industry has identified the evolution steps of displays being “curved”, “bent”, “foldable” and “rollable”.The current smartphones from LG and Samsung featuring curved displays are somewhere between “curved” and “bent”. Hope the smartphones will have impact on market.
On the other hand, LG is said to be working on bringing transparent display devices on the market. Either way, it’s we the consumers who will have great time. Now companies are evolving newer features to gain the market.
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